1.   Incontinence is another problem that can begin by excessive alcohol intake.

2.   The most frequent effect of excess alcohol intake on serum lipids is elevation of triglyceride levels.

3.   There are no studies on the acute effect of alcohol intake on gastric acid secretion in chronic alcoholic patients.

4.   There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.

5.   The increased healing rate in wine drinkers is consistent with other reports that moderate alcohol intake may be harmless or beneficial.

n. + intake >>共 70
food 16.83%
alcohol 15.56%
air 8.25%
calcium 6.35%
water 5.71%
energy 3.81%
protein 2.86%
sugar 2.86%
caffeine 2.54%
oxygen 2.22%
alcohol + n. >>共 233
abuse 16.77%
consumption 10.85%
use 5.12%
content 4.88%
problem 4.39%
sale 3.78%
intake 2.99%
test 2.50%
program 2.26%
limit 1.89%
每页显示:    共 49