1.   Chronic alcohol use can quash the libido of both men and women.

2.   Practically all the news from research into the immunological impacts of chronic alcohol use is negative.

3.   To increase knowledge about alcohol so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent.

4.   Among them are alcohol use, discourtesy, dishonesty, domestic violence, ethnic bias, lying, neglect of duty, unauthorized tactics and unbecoming conduct.

5.   American zero tolerance of student alcohol use collided recently with French joie de vivre.

6.   At least the wrecking of the Exxon Valdez could be attributed in part to negligence stemming from alcohol use.

7.   Authors of the report said increased violence and drug and alcohol use was an obstacle to achieving some of the goals.

8.   Before enrolling, students submit to rigorous interviews in which they are asked about past drug and alcohol use.

9.   Black students were significantly less likely to report consuming alcohol, while alcohol use increased with age in all ethnic groups.

10.   Boyfriend in the home, drug and alcohol use, domestic violence, other children abused and earlier hot-line calls to state welfare agencies.

n. + use >>共 866
drug 33.39%
land 3.30%
marijuana 2.68%
computer 2.41%
energy 2.37%
tobacco 2.34%
cocaine 2.32%
water 1.99%
condom 1.87%
alcohol 1.74%
alcohol + n. >>共 233
abuse 16.77%
consumption 10.85%
use 5.12%
content 4.88%
problem 4.39%
sale 3.78%
intake 2.99%
test 2.50%
program 2.26%
limit 1.89%
每页显示:    共 84