1.   This meets informally each month to monitor progress and drive the agenda forward.

2.   I am proud to have done everything I possibly could to help support the re-election of this president and to help move his agenda forward.

3.   The president, Benjamim Mkapa, has some decent honest people around him trying to move that agenda forward.

4.   We are still moving our agenda forward, but capital spending is one of the things you can control.

5.   The gamble backfired, and the left swept into power, leaving Chirac largely a lame duck, unable to move his political agenda forward.

n. + forward >>共 296
step 10.36%
move 8.88%
power 2.37%
company 1.78%
clock 1.78%
talk 1.63%
rookie 1.18%
way 1.18%
effort 1.04%
freshman 1.04%
agendum 0.74%
agendum + v. >>共 141
be 38.83%
include 18.76%
focus 2.28%
have 2.28%
remain 1.96%
call 1.31%
cover 1.14%
seem 0.98%
depend 0.98%
forward 0.82%
每页显示:    共 5