step forward 4.61   The two steps forward?
  move forward 3.95   The line moves forward.
  power forward 1.05   The powerless power forwards.
  clock forward 0.79   Move the clock forward nine years.
  company forward 0.79   And when the company forwards your mail it needs new postage.
  talk forward 0.72   Moratinos said he discussed with Assad ways of moving Syrian-Israeli peace talks forward.
  rookie forward 0.53   Nets rookie forward Stephen Jackson missed the game with a sore right foot.
  way forward 0.53   It is essential to reestablish calm as a way to move forward the process.
  effort forward 0.46   De Saqui de Sannes defended the action as necessary to move the peace effort forward.
  freshman forward 0.46   The freshman forwards Ramon Cespedes and Reggie Garrett should get playing time.
  put forward 0.46   The UNHCR has put put forward a plan which still needs to be finalised, Oakley said.
  star forward 0.46   Stars forward Kirk Muller asked.
  ball forward 0.39   Then Couples tried to move the ball forward.
  king forward 0.39   Kings forward Luc Robitaille said, incredulous.
  office forward 0.39   Some offices forwarded copies of originals.
  slide forward 0.39   Then the third seat slides forward on tracks.
  agendum forward 0.33   This meets informally each month to monitor progress and drive the agenda forward.
  come forward 0.33   Already, the company said, one dancer has come forward seeking help for an eating disorder.
  committee forward 0.33   The committee will forward its suggestion to House Speaker Booneua Prasertsuwan, he said.
  inch forward 0.33   A powerful diesel motor accelerates and the locomotive inches forward.
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