1.   The municipal market agenda will focus on compliance.

2.   The official U.S. agenda will focus on such topics as violence against women, improving health care, equal access to education and equal political and economic power.

3.   A Pakistani diplomat said, on condition of anonymity, that the agenda would focus on Kashmir.

4.   A Pakistani diplomat said, on condition of anonymity, that the agenda would focus on the latest developments in the Indian-controlled region of Kashmir.

5.   Chretien declared a year ago that he wanted the formal agenda to focus on Africa.

6.   His agenda focused on a range of environmental and business issues.

7.   President Clinton said Wednesday his legislative agenda will focus on revitalizing public schools, declaring American children should not have to put up with leaking roofs and busted windows.

8.   The agenda focuses on assessing world energy demand in coming years, and the environmental and technological aspects of oil production.

9.   The official agenda will focus on short-term capital flows, recent foreign-exchange movements and ways to avoid negative side effects of rapid and speculative market movements.

10.   The meager formal agenda focuses on such issues as Belgian debt and loans to Tajikistan.

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
agendum 0.19%
agendum + v. >>共 141
be 38.83%
include 18.76%
focus 2.28%
have 2.28%
remain 1.96%
call 1.31%
cover 1.14%
seem 0.98%
depend 0.98%
forward 0.82%
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