1.   Officer Bass said he has met with protective agency workers in an attempt to improve communications.

2.   A Guinean agency worker, an adult, said that women working in camps faced the same harassment.

3.   A week later, the morning before the road collapsed, agency workers identified a leak in the water main and scheduled repairs for the following day.

4.   Agency workers found advertisements to that effect in phone books and pennysavers.

5.   Agency workers in Moscow admit that the chances of a successful match are dim.

6.   But with limited resources and a constant stream of new immigrants needing services, agency workers say they barely scratch the surface.

7.   Critics say that too often, caseworkers judge excessive punishment as acceptable, and have called for better training for agency workers.

8.   Experts say that those judges, social workers and child welfare agency workers have received little guidance about what to do for families.

9.   He gets a cane, and receives what he terms Blind Man Training from perky agency workers.

10.   In light of the killings of four agency workers within recent months, Lubbers will also be confronted with how to protect personnel without abandoning vulnerable refugees.

n. + worker >>共 532
aid 15.33%
rescue 12.07%
construction 5.03%
relief 4.35%
office 2.75%
government 2.71%
health 2.69%
factory 2.39%
farm 2.03%
oil 1.66%
agency 0.30%
agency + n. >>共 490
official 25.00%
spokesman 6.79%
spokeswoman 2.95%
head 2.71%
company 2.47%
employee 2.19%
worker 2.06%
executive 1.92%
report 1.92%
chief 1.13%
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