agency official 47.99   Agency officials were flabbergasted.
  agency spokesman 13.03   An agency spokesman disagreed.
  agency spokeswoman 5.66   An agency spokeswoman declined to comment.
  agency head 5.20   The mayor and his agency heads know that.
  agency company 4.74   It made WPP the largest agency company.
  agency employee 4.21   Only the topmost state agency employees would be exempt.
  agency worker 3.95   Latimer and other agency workers say the INS laws are heartless.
  agency executive 3.69   Two top agency executives are changing jobs.
  agency report 3.69   The agency report did not elaborate.
  agency chief 2.17   The agency chief almost groaned with happiness.
  agency staff 1.97   Agency staff monitor the disbursement of aid, he said.
  agency action 1.91   Only a small minority result in agency action.
  agency approval 1.91   Agency approval could come as early as next year, Crossen said.
  agency director 1.84   Friday, Benjamin Pardo, the agency director, took a different tack.
  agency rule 1.84   Some airlines go further than the agency rules.
  agency office 1.78   U.N. agency offices also burned.
  agency roster 1.58   Two consumer marketers are expanding their agency rosters.
  agency business 1.38   The agency business, he thought, sounded pretty good.
  agency officer 1.32   Senior agency officers called him a traitor.
  agency representative 1.32   Foreign Ministry officials also met with agency representatives to discuss the issue.
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