1.   Aid workers returning from the war zone reported seeing groups of rebels waving white flags.

2.   Aid workers say areas that were heavily bombed now have high rates of birth defects, sterility and mental retardation.

3.   Aid workers say the village had no advance warning of the floods.

4.   Aid workers warned of a worsening situation.

5.   As a volunteer aid worker I was a failure.

6.   It has expelled aid workers who said more was needed.

7.   Some governments are inhospitable to aid workers.

8.   The aid workers are confined to their compounds and an evacuation from Kisangani is now likely.

9.   Aid workers are now confronted with the task of feeding all the refugees.

n. + worker >>共 532
aid 15.33%
rescue 12.07%
construction 5.03%
relief 4.35%
office 2.75%
government 2.71%
health 2.69%
factory 2.39%
farm 2.03%
oil 1.66%
aid + n. >>共 267
worker 26.77%
agency 12.30%
group 7.32%
package 5.19%
official 4.96%
organization 4.26%
convoy 3.97%
program 3.43%
flight 1.60%
effort 1.38%
每页显示:    共 3000