1.   The college have stated that they require the room to facilitate the attendance of disabled students and or aerobic classes.

2.   Its spa offers everything from a fitness center to a complete body treatment, including inch-loss treatments, massage therapy and aerobic classes.

3.   Now all we need are fake aerobic classes.

4.   The line between performance and pumping iron continues to blur with the proliferation of Broadway-based aerobic classes cropping up in gyms across the country.

5.   But the dizzying whirl of public royal duties is gone, and there are only so many glitzy restaurants and aerobic classes to go to.

a. + class >>共 1156
new 6.24%
english 3.33%
social 2.97%
recruiting 2.40%
same 2.11%
ruling 2.08%
smaller 2.01%
master 1.76%
cooking 1.70%
senior 1.68%
aerobic 0.08%
aerobic + n. >>共 68
exercise 33.33%
workout 10.14%
activity 9.78%
capacity 3.99%
conditioning 2.90%
dance 2.54%
bacterium 2.17%
class 1.81%
benefit 1.81%
work 1.81%
每页显示:    共 5