1.   Among the three financial advisers who adjusted their portfolios, no clear pattern emerges.

2.   But the degree of comfort will also be a function of how you adjust your portfolio.

3.   For that nominal cost, the fund managers do the work of adjusting your portfolio so that it is appropriate to its target date.

4.   How long can you wait before adjusting the portfolio?

5.   How would you adjust these portfolios, and if I continue my contributions, how much can I expect to have at retirement?

6.   Index funds typically buy or sell securities at the end of the trading day to adjust portfolios.

7.   Investors and fund managers may be adjusting portfolios in line with expectations for the year ahead, analysts said.

8.   Investors and fund managers may also be adjusting portfolios in line with expectations for the year ahead, analysts said.

9.   Morgan Stanley also said it would adjust its portfolios to double the weighting of Taiwan, reflecting the growth of the market there.

10.   Most obvious is to adjust your portfolio so that you have a heavier stock exposure and a much lighter commitment to money markets and bonds.

v. + portfolio >>共 323
diversify 7.57%
hold 5.02%
manage 4.51%
adjust 4.17%
build 2.64%
have 2.55%
take 1.87%
rebalance 1.62%
create 1.62%
retain 1.53%
adjust + n. >>共 682
seasoning 7.55%
figure 4.22%
rate 2.82%
price 2.77%
position 2.60%
portfolio 2.09%
schedule 1.88%
heat 1.49%
number 1.45%
amount 1.41%
每页显示:    共 49