1.   Another recommendation would adjust the number of detectives assigned to each precinct.

2.   Adjust the numbers, therefore, and the poverty-managing industry is able to project the myth that only the rich are benefiting from a good economy.

3.   After comparing the results from the head count and the survey, the bureau will estimate those missed and adjust the numbers, Cantwell said.

4.   All month-on-month numbers are seasonally adjusted.

5.   Breaux said it may be politically impossible to adjust the numbers down as much as the Boskin commission recommended.

6.   But understanding these new rules shows how murky this definition can get when the accountants begin adjusting the number for all the securities that can be turned into shares.

7.   By adjusting the number through trial and error, you will eventually come up with a whole number.

8.   Consequently, the government accounts for the wide monthly swings by seasonally adjusting the numbers.

9.   He adjusts the number of cattle based on how much grass is available.

10.   However, the question of using sampling techniques to adjust census numbers to make up for the inevitable undercount looms heavily.

v. + number >>共 887
reduce 8.36%
increase 6.21%
have 4.95%
limit 2.75%
include 1.71%
give 1.54%
cut 1.32%
make 1.29%
double 1.25%
use 1.20%
adjust 0.18%
adjust + n. >>共 682
seasoning 7.55%
figure 4.22%
rate 2.82%
price 2.77%
position 2.60%
portfolio 2.09%
schedule 1.88%
heat 1.49%
number 1.45%
amount 1.41%
每页显示:    共 34