81.   These medications are available by prescription only, so ask your doctor.

82.   These medications are not advisable for those operating a vehicle or machinery.

83.   There are medications, podophyllin being one of them, that will cure these infections fairly easily.

84.   There are no medications that can reverse any form of macular degeneration, but various treatments may slow or even halt its progress.

85.   There are some medications for spastic bowel such as Levsin or Levsinex that might also help greatly.

86.   They explained that medication was not only unnecessary but could be counterproductive.

87.   They say the medications are safer than many of the other allergy drugs that are already sold over-the-counter in pharmacies.

88.   These oral medications are fairly new and are used in the treatment of chronic asthma.

89.   They should also check with the embassies of the countries they expect to visit to make sure their medications are not illegal there.

90.   Those medications were probably the same ones his father had taken, the ones that still cure nearly all non-drug-resistant patients.

n. + be >>共 1635
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question 0.56%
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medication + v. >>共 160
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help 7.41%
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work 2.85%
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