medication be 7.97   There was no medication.
  medication help 2.57   Does medication help?
  medication control 2.24   Sometimes medications can control the angina.
  medication cause 1.65   The medication can cause rapid weight gain.
  medication work 0.99   Medication does work for her.
  medication have 0.79   Does medication have any effect?
  medication prevent 0.66   New medications prevented transmission of the AIDS virus in childbirth.
  medication treat 0.66   Spellman suffers from bipolar disorder, a condition that can be treated by medication.
  medication make 0.53   His medication makes MY head fuzzy.
  medication fail 0.46   And sometimes medications fail.
  medication keep 0.46   The medication keeps you from starving.
  medication become 0.39   He too fears that dispensing medication could become routine.
  medication contain 0.39   Some asthma medications contain performance-enhancing substances.
  medication affect 0.33   The goalie said the medication affected his judgment.
  medication include 0.33   Medication included proton pump inhibitors, prescription drugs that stop the stomach from making acid.
  medication slow 0.33   Kerry remains stocky, his movement slowed by medication, his speech tentative, his memory clouded.
  medication take 0.33   Medication may take some fine-tuning.
  medication alleviate 0.26   He thinks stronger medication has alleviated inflammation.
  medication bring 0.26   The sunburn medication brought me instant ease.
  medication correct 0.26   The problem has been corrected by medication, but even now, it is said, Ms. Qian tires easily.
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