1.   Further, these prescribed medications prevent emotional maturation through inhibiting the capacity to feel emotions and deal with them appropriately.

2.   He continued to take daily medication to prevent blood clots and replace the thyroid hormone lost after the gland was destroyed gradually by doses of radioactive iodine.

3.   Fortunately for Cloninger, medication prevented a recurrence of the disease, but he was left with scar tissue on his retina that has impeded his vision ever since.

4.   Medication has prevented him from participating in contact drills, although Coleman has been riding a stationary bike to stay in shape.

5.   New medications prevented transmission of the AIDS virus in childbirth.

6.   Once bitten, you want medications to prevent inflammation and infection.

7.   There is a possibility Edwards will need to take anticoagulant medication to prevent further clotting.

8.   Besides therapy, he takes immunosuppressive medication to prevent his body from rejecting the hand.

9.   Chris Morris, a hospital researcher, said Mantle will have to take medication to prevent his body from rejecting the new organ.

10.   The society is trying to get the message out that medications may have prevented you from having three attacks instead of just one.

n. + prevent >>共 1376
police 4.55%
law 4.20%
rule 2.33%
step 2.29%
action 2.16%
weather 1.98%
authority 1.78%
government 1.54%
injury 1.50%
problem 1.17%
medication 0.18%
medication + v. >>共 160
be 23.00%
help 7.41%
control 6.46%
cause 4.75%
work 2.85%
have 2.28%
treat 1.90%
prevent 1.90%
make 1.52%
fail 1.33%
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