71.   But opponents say the site is totally unsuitable.

72.   But Coun Derek Mason said the site was probably one of the best run in the country because it was run by genuine Romany people.

73.   Rubbish, including gas bottles, was strewn across the land and the entire site was a health hazard.

74.   And actually the graft site is a lot sorer than the burns.

75.   North Korea, which denies any intention of developing nuclear weapons, says the two suspected sites are non-nuclear military installations and are outside the remit of IAEA inspectors.

76.   That factory site is now a superstore, burger emporium and DIY outlet.

77.   Dr Graham Tidiman, who lives near Woodbank Farm, said that the planned opencast site was a pleasant oasis in a decaying industrial landscape.

78.   Secondly when potential actinomycin binding sites are in close proximity only one of the potential sites can be occupied at a time.

79.   If the DH sites of the integrated transgenes were of functional use they should be maintained in an appropriate copy-number dependent fashion in transgenic mice.

80.   BglII, XhoI and BamHI restriction sites are at equivalent positions in each of the repeats as shown.

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