61.   Sultry weather will persist from the southern and central Plains to the Southeast.

62.   Summertime weather will persist from the Middle Atlantic Coast, to the Ohio Valley, to the Plains States.

63.   The department is on alert for manatee deaths if the cold weather persists, he said.

64.   The hot, dry weather will persist in northern Florida, though isolated afternoon thunderstorms will occur.

65.   The hot weather will persist over the Rockies with fewer afternoon storms.

66.   The longer the weather persists, the more damage the chemicals can do to the ozone layer.

67.   Torrid weather will persist in the Rockies and interior West, though the Northwest will turn cooler.

68.   Unseasonably warm weather will persist in the eastern Rockies ahead of a strong cold front.

69.   Unsettled weather will persist in the Northwest with patches of showers near the Oregon and Washington coasts and snow showers further inland.

70.   Unsettled weather will persist in the West.

n. + persist >>共 673
problem 6.38%
weather 4.15%
condition 2.93%
violence 2.89%
rumor 2.52%
cloud 2.36%
question 2.28%
pain 1.95%
tension 1.75%
symptom 1.46%
weather + v. >>共 516
be 26.62%
turn 2.76%
force 2.58%
continue 2.53%
permit 2.42%
cover 2.37%
improve 1.83%
make 1.81%
prevent 1.76%
persist 1.68%
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