1.   Bad weather has prevented progress on retrieving the plane from the sea.

2.   John carried out some minor repairs to the roof, but the bad weather prevented him from tackling any major work.

3.   Bad weather prevented us from leaving.

4.   Bad weather prevented any play on Saturday in the matches at Chesterfield, at Basingstoke and at Hove.

5.   But the insipid weather did not prevent schoolchildren enjoying the event.

6.   Bad weather prevented J.J. from returning home today.

7.   Bad weather has prevented J.J. from returning home.

8.   Bad weather prevented a plane from getting in, so she was helicoptered to the nearest hospital in Fairbanks.

9.   Bad weather Monday prevented all vessels except a search plane from venturing out.

10.   But bad weather prevented the general from traveling on to meet leaders of ethnic Serbian forces in Croatia.

n. + prevent >>共 1376
police 4.55%
law 4.20%
rule 2.33%
step 2.29%
action 2.16%
weather 1.98%
authority 1.78%
government 1.54%
injury 1.50%
problem 1.17%
weather + v. >>共 516
be 26.62%
turn 2.76%
force 2.58%
continue 2.53%
permit 2.42%
cover 2.37%
improve 1.83%
make 1.81%
prevent 1.76%
persist 1.68%
每页显示:    共 106