51.   After a sniffer dog confirmed that the package contained explosives, a special sapper-robot exploded it.

52.   After the call, workers found a suspicious looking package in the mailroom, but police determined the package contained pagers, spokeswoman Jackie Tate said.

53.   Among the contraband he allegedly allowed in last year was a package containing a sperm kit.

54.   An earlier requirement that packages of chicken contain instructions for safe handling did not hurt sales, he said.

55.   Another package contained a condom, golfing photographs of McGann, pencils, pens and a bird feather, according to police reports.

56.   Bomb experts found that the suspicious package contained transparencies used in overhead projectors, said police spokeswoman Doris Edelbacher said.

57.   But there is also fear that the package might contain some surprises.

58.   Deputy County Attorney Dan Nicolini said the gift package contained a watch, birthday candles and a letter.

59.   Each package contained a video of a PBS documentary, a book and a brochure about Islam and its Muslim followers.

60.   Each package contains a toy and sweets donated by German children and their parents.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
package + v. >>共 402
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contain 3.97%
have 2.42%
arrive 1.68%
offer 1.58%
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