1.   A benefits package is a very Marketable advantage, one that Trope hopes will give them the edge over other independent labels.

2.   Advice for Quality Assurers Your principal task is to Decide whether a package is fit for the purpose intended.

3.   Does the Minister agree that that reform package was merely a cosmetic exercise?

4.   Endoscopic removal should not be attempted as the risk of inadvertently puncturing a package is high.

5.   Essentially three loan packages are available for different income groups.

6.   He said there was a package in the school yard for you - from your wife.

7.   I agree that the new health promotion package is far from ideal.

8.   If the redundancy package is too generous many staff will opt for that and not even consider relocating.

9.   Improved Windows printer driver support is highlighted as well and overall WordPerfect says the package is now easier to install than before.

10.   In addition, computer-aided guidance packages will be available, which will generate career and job suggestions, matching your computer profile.

n. + be >>共 1635
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company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
package 0.04%
package + v. >>共 402
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be 21.67%
contain 3.97%
have 2.42%
arrive 1.68%
offer 1.58%
come 1.51%
provide 1.18%
help 1.04%
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