41.   In LONDON, U.K. stocks rose for the first time in four sessions as a U.S. employment report eased concern that monetary authorities there will again raise interest rates.

42.   In recent months, monetary authorities have disagreed on the pace of U.K. manufacturing growth.

43.   Interest rates will fall as monetary authorities seek to prolong economic recovery, NAHB said.

44.   Investors said the news was good for bonds, prompting anticipation that monetary authorities will push rates -- already at historic lows -- even lower.

45.   International monetary authorities and development lenders ultimately lack the authority to dictate policy to borrowing nations, he said.

46.   Investors also are watching U.S. monetary authorities.

47.   Japanese bonds were little changed amid optimism monetary authorities in the U.S. and Japan will leave interest rates unchanged in the weeks ahead, traders and analysts said.

48.   Japanese bonds were little changed as investors eyed a meeting of Bank of Japan branch managers for reassurance that monetary authorities will leave interest rates unchanged.

49.   Japanese monetary authorities moved quickly to try to dispel any notion that the trading loss would critically wound Daiwa or harm the overall financial system.

50.   JAPANESE bond futures were little changed, as shaky Tokyo stocks offset last-minute concern that U.S. monetary authorities might go against expectations and raise interest rates.

a. + authority >>共 463
local 10.39%
federal 4.32%
chinese 3.29%
russian 2.74%
french 2.29%
israeli 2.11%
military 1.82%
serb 1.71%
german 1.66%
palestinian 1.48%
monetary 0.91%
monetary + n. >>共 394
policy 38.38%
union 16.83%
authority 5.04%
crisis 4.37%
damage 3.33%
system 1.85%
fund 1.41%
official 1.31%
value 1.01%
stability 0.90%
每页显示:    共 284