1.   Also, minutes after the lira rejoined the ERM, German monetary officials were sounding notes of caution.

2.   At a symposium attended by monetary officials from nine countries and Hong Kong, Japanese officials said they were considering signing securities repurchase agreements with other Asian nations.

3.   A year later, currency traders again tested the narrow trading limits set by European monetary officials.

4.   But an international monetary official who insisted on anonymity said Wednesday night that all stories of an IMF bailout were false.

5.   But international monetary officials said the Swiss had acted on their own and were not part of the coordinated effort by Japan, Germany and the United States.

6.   But senior U.S. monetary officials said his demands were far too ambitious and constituted an opening bid in the coming debate over increasing IMF resources.

7.   EU and monetary officials said they will press on with deficit reduction, which they said will help job-creation by reducing interest rates.

8.   European Union monetary officials ended a day of talks over the return of the Italian lira to the exchange-rate mechanism without saying if they reached an agreement.

9.   Even with the risk of going to court, softening the criteria is preferred by many German monetary officials to delay.

10.   Japanese monetary officials have since quieted that speculation by repeatedly saying they have no plans to raise rates soon.

a. + official >>共 393
senior 8.00%
military 5.53%
top 4.38%
state 3.93%
local 3.86%
israeli 3.77%
palestinian 3.40%
russian 3.34%
american 2.86%
federal 2.74%
monetary 0.08%
monetary + n. >>共 394
policy 38.38%
union 16.83%
authority 5.04%
crisis 4.37%
damage 3.33%
system 1.85%
fund 1.41%
official 1.31%
value 1.01%
stability 0.90%
每页显示:    共 74