1.   As with much in the opaque process of selecting a leader for the monetary fund, however, American support was hardly clear-cut.

2.   Before he left for Moscow, Odling-Smee, the expert at the monetary fund insisted that there was no need to devalue the ruble.

3.   Both countries resisted applying economic reforms urged on them by the monetary fund in return for foreign aid, requiring regular intervention by Camdessus.

4.   A high-ranking official at the monetary fund, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, expressed dismay over the decision.

5.   A technocrat and academic, Bambang Subianto, was named finance minister, replacing a nationalist figure who had alienated monetary fund officials and foreign investors.

6.   After concessions by both sides, the monetary fund reached a new agreement with Indonesia early this month.

7.   But government officials say that letting the peso float without intervention, as the monetary fund has advocated, would produce a politically disastrous burst of hyperinflation.

8.   But Hubert Neiss, the lead negotiator for the monetary fund, said an agreement had not been completed.

9.   But Hubert Neiss, the lead negotiator for the monetary fund, said on Monday morning that an agreement had not been completed.

10.   But it also shows that the government might be able to line up cheaper sources of financing, either from government bonds or from loans from the monetary fund.

a. + fund >>共 655
federal 8.99%
public 8.09%
stock 6.13%
new 4.02%
foreign 3.51%
state 2.82%
additional 1.95%
international 1.89%
private 1.77%
matching 1.59%
monetary 0.60%
monetary + n. >>共 394
policy 38.38%
union 16.83%
authority 5.04%
crisis 4.37%
damage 3.33%
system 1.85%
fund 1.41%
official 1.31%
value 1.01%
stability 0.90%
每页显示:    共 80