1.   Anti-inflationary policies lead to restrictive monetary policies that deliberately produced high unemployment.

2.   At points this chapter steps outside the traditional boundaries of economics, and discusses some psychological problems in making monetary policy.

3.   Bank officials remain opposed to loosening monetary policy by printing money.

4.   Environmental laws May also slow the effect of monetary policy by lengthening construction periods.

5.   For in practice, the shift in the focus of monetary policy meant that interest rates would swing wildly.

6.   Gallons of ink have been spilled in academic journals and in newspapers over monetary policy.

7.   Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures.

a. + policy >>共 712
monetary 10.73%
economic 8.42%
new 8.36%
fiscal 1.93%
national 1.78%
social 1.65%
american 1.64%
current 1.48%
domestic 1.44%
major 1.42%
monetary + n. >>共 394
policy 38.38%
union 16.83%
authority 5.04%
crisis 4.37%
damage 3.33%
system 1.85%
fund 1.41%
official 1.31%
value 1.01%
stability 0.90%
每页显示:    共 2163