41.   Identity theft carries only a three-year maximum sentence.

42.   Identity theft generally fits a pattern.

43.   Identity theft is more mundane, of course, but far more threatening.

44.   Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in America today, impoverishing a third of a million households last year.

45.   In March, members of the Federal Trade Commission told a Senate committee that identity theft is on the rise.

46.   In letters to patients, Conway said the hospital will apologize and promise to help patients settle any problems linked to identity theft.

47.   In particular, these syndicates are heavily involved in identity theft and various types of related immigration, insurance, medical and credit card fraud.

48.   In movie after movie, Toronto is engaging in wholesale identity theft.

49.   Investigators suspect that the bank account set up in his name was a case of identity theft.

50.   It also modernized other crimes such as identity theft and computer tampering.

n. + theft >>共 171
car 29.13%
identity 11.97%
auto 9.96%
art 3.07%
vehicle 2.65%
employee 2.33%
felony 2.22%
computer 1.38%
cattle 1.27%
power 1.17%
identity + n. >>共 127
paper 29.03%
check 15.24%
document 11.96%
theft 10.90%
problem 2.89%
politics 2.51%
fraud 2.03%
thief 1.25%
parade 0.96%
number 0.96%
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