1.   Also, computer thefts, especially of portables, are on the rise.

2.   Apparently corporate computer thefts of this sort are quite common.

3.   Beyond the copyright issues, many of the songwriters and heirs also voiced concern about computer theft of works and overseas piracy.

4.   A man suspected in a long spree of computer theft was arrested by FBI agents.

5.   But he said the law enforcement community has generally become more focused on crimes involving drugs and computer thefts than on cattle rustling.

6.   Computer theft is the crime that keeps on going.

7.   I spent Wednesday morning at a seminar hosted by Waltham-based SpectaGuard Inc., listening to Boston cops warn of the perils of laptop computer theft.

8.   In many cases computer thefts are crimes of opportunity, experts said, and they are frequently inside jobs.

9.   The site will help with everything from finding a roaming Internet access provider and resolving hardware and software issues to guarding against computer theft.

10.   Worried about computer theft?

n. + theft >>共 171
car 29.13%
identity 11.97%
auto 9.96%
art 3.07%
vehicle 2.65%
employee 2.33%
felony 2.22%
computer 1.38%
cattle 1.27%
power 1.17%
computer + n. >>共 594
system 6.96%
network 5.12%
maker 3.78%
user 3.65%
screen 3.49%
company 3.20%
program 3.14%
industry 2.62%
software 2.36%
game 2.35%
theft 0.05%
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