1.   If it is discovered, employee theft is one of the least stigmatised of crimes.

2.   Thus, such crimes as embezzlement and other examples of employee theft will not be included in this discussion of corporate crime.

3.   As incentives, businesses that hire former offenders receive tax credits and free insurance against employee theft.

4.   Best Buy and other retailers are trying to stem an increase in employee theft, which is stealing the spotlight from shoplifting as a costly problem.

5.   Beyond the smaller pool of available labor, other changes in employment patterns are contributing to the rise in employee theft, retail security consultants say.

6.   But if they are convicted, the women will become another statistic in a rising tide of employee theft in retail stores.

7.   Employee thefts.

8.   Employee theft has been a growing problem for retailers, especially in a tight, high-turnover labor market.

9.   He also disputed published reports that Taco Cabana was vexed by excessive operations costs due in part to employee theft.

10.   Indeed, in enterprises of all sizes and shapes, from shoestring nonprofits to giant corporations, the scale of employee theft has soared.

n. + theft >>共 171
car 29.13%
identity 11.97%
auto 9.96%
art 3.07%
vehicle 2.65%
employee 2.33%
felony 2.22%
computer 1.38%
cattle 1.27%
power 1.17%
employee + n. >>共 564
benefit 6.38%
plan 4.40%
program 3.53%
union 3.35%
group 2.89%
morale 2.48%
ownership 1.61%
hostage 1.56%
turnover 1.47%
contribution 1.47%
theft 1.01%
每页显示:    共 22