1.   Credit card companies and banks bear the financial loss, rather than the victim of the identity theft.

2.   Feinstein shares the widespread concern about identity theft and the creation of profiles or dossiers on individuals without their knowledge.

3.   Identity theft is becoming more and more common because of the Internet.

4.   Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.

5.   Identity theft has become one of the most frequent and feared swindles of our time.

6.   There are steps you can take to safeguard against identity theft.

7.   How can we protect ourselves against identity theft?

8.   About a third were from consumers wanting to know how to avoid identity theft.

9.   Americans continue to transfer their personal, political, financial and even medical lives online, all the while trading horror stories about identity theft and credit card scams.

10.   Another concern is identity theft, because Social Security numbers and birth dates are commonly used to identify patients.

n. + theft >>共 171
car 29.13%
identity 11.97%
auto 9.96%
art 3.07%
vehicle 2.65%
employee 2.33%
felony 2.22%
computer 1.38%
cattle 1.27%
power 1.17%
identity + n. >>共 127
paper 29.03%
check 15.24%
document 11.96%
theft 10.90%
problem 2.89%
politics 2.51%
fraud 2.03%
thief 1.25%
parade 0.96%
number 0.96%
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