41.   Sift flour, salt and baking powder, add to creamed mixture.

42.   Stir into creamed mixture.

43.   Stir dry ingredients and buttermilk alternately into creamed mixture.

44.   Stir into the creamed mixture with the oats and chocolate chips.

45.   Stir together dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture, beating until blended.

46.   Add milk and sugar mixture together with sifted dry ingredients to creamed mixture.

a. + mixture >>共 526
chocolate 8.43%
cream 3.60%
hot 2.87%
creamed 2.81%
remaining 2.75%
mushroom 2.57%
chicken 2.38%
vegetable 1.83%
dry 1.53%
curious 1.47%
creamed + n. >>共 27
mixture 37.40%
corn 16.26%
spinach 12.20%
butter 4.07%
chicken 3.25%
onion 3.25%
ingredient 2.44%
potato 2.44%
cabbage 1.63%
crab 1.63%
每页显示:    共 46