41.   But Israeli media commentators were skeptical about the chances for calm in Nablus.

42.   Commentators were especially critical of Research Commissioner Edith Cresson, a former French prime minister.

43.   Commentators are practically unanimous in predicting central bank policymakers will stay on the sidelines when they meet Tuesday.

44.   In a move which political commentators said was unprecedented, Lewis is suing Home Secretary Michael Howard for wrongful dismissal.

45.   In Moscow, where the government often has been at odds with the West over the handling of Balkan crises, commentators were doubtful much was achieved.

46.   Israeli commentators were unanimous Tuesday in saying that until the next deadline, Netanyahu will do everything in his power to win back the hawkish renegades.

47.   Israeli commentators were virtually unanimous in condemning the leak.

48.   NBC commentators were amazed at the decision.

49.   Newspaper commentators were also highly critical.

50.   Political commentators were quick to criticize the initiative, arguing that it would be a grave threat to Arab security.

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