1.   In the face of persistent inflation many commentators predicted the imminent collapse of the accord.

2.   As the Russian economy rapidly implodes, few commentators dare predict what would happen next.

3.   According to the Political Hotline electronic newsletter, not one commentator predicted what people ended up doing in the voting booth on Tuesday.

4.   But there have been no executions here for more than a decade, and commentators predicted that the death sentences would probably be commuted to long prison terms.

5.   But this time, many commentators predict, the involvement of the Supreme Court will make it hard to contain the fallout.

6.   Commentators have predicted that there will not be any new government programs that serve a need other than war.

7.   Commentators predicted it would be triggered by any major Palestinian terror attack.

8.   For example, several commentators had predicted in the spring that Starr would file a report by May.

9.   In the weeks before the November election, some political commentators predicted that control of Congress would hinge on the outcome of several hotly contested Texas races.

10.   Many Indian commentators predicted that the Rao government would be further tainted after a term marked by a series of corruption scandals.

n. + predict >>共 650
analyst 19.92%
expert 7.23%
official 6.54%
economist 5.40%
forecaster 4.35%
observer 2.34%
poll 1.61%
leader 1.46%
report 1.41%
executive 1.22%
commentator 0.73%
commentator + v. >>共 254
say 22.00%
be 5.46%
suggest 4.16%
predict 3.18%
note 2.77%
see 2.69%
warn 2.36%
agree 2.12%
believe 1.96%
speculate 1.87%
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