1.   But Italian commentators warned that the move could set off strikes as well as fuel inflation.

2.   Commentators are warning that Republicans may be replaying their old mistakes in the government shut-down.

3.   If the GOP convention had featured a Lutheran choir singing room-temperature hymns, commentators would have warned darkly about the role of the religious right.

4.   In addition, some commentators warned that the combination could result in the firing of several thousand employees.

5.   Negotiating in this period carries another kind of risk, Israeli commentators warn.

6.   Some commentators warn that a recession looms.

7.   Political rivals denounce the plan as unconstitutional, and commentators warn the move could backfire by uniting religious parties and the factious opposition.

8.   Political rivals denounced the plan, and commentators warned it could backfire by uniting religious parties and the factious opposition.

9.   Political rivals denounced the plan, and commentators warned it could backfire by uniting religious parties and the opposition.

10.   Although commentators warn that he could bring more Balkan bloodshed, Seselj toned down his nationalist rhetoric a bit during this campaign.

n. + warn >>共 985
official 13.80%
analyst 4.93%
expert 4.90%
leader 4.07%
government 3.69%
police 3.50%
company 3.34%
authority 3.00%
group 2.16%
economist 2.07%
commentator 0.29%
commentator + v. >>共 254
say 22.00%
be 5.46%
suggest 4.16%
predict 3.18%
note 2.77%
see 2.69%
warn 2.36%
agree 2.12%
believe 1.96%
speculate 1.87%
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