41.   Yeltsin was busy hosting his Ukrainian counterpart, Leonid Kuchma, whose own country is taking a pounding from the economic storm lashing Russia.

42.   He noted however that there was no deadline for taking action and said officials had warned Congress of the possible consequences.

43.   He warned this would lead to a situation in which the police would be taking orders from bosses linked to crime.

44.   After the army took over the bus, Israeli journalists photographed the two Palestinians who were later killed being taken from the scene alive.

45.   Armed with automatic weapons and batons, the police lunged for cameras to stop pictures from being taken and forced the video and still photographers back.

46.   When the unexploded can was taken apart Thursday it was found to be split into three compartments, the correspondent said.

47.   It was not known what route they would be taking to return to Plymouth.

48.   It was not known whether representatives of the Bosnian Serbs were taking part, and neither side made any statement.

49.   She was unsure about the exact nature of the voluntary project in which her husband was taking part, but said it was involved with English language work.

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