fighting take
10.40 |
The fighting took place on Tuesday. |
vote take
5.46 |
Voting took place Saturday. |
be take
3.23 |
Being king takes practice. |
fight take
2.90 |
Fighting was taking place near Bukavu and Goma, they said. |
voting take
2.70 |
The voting will take place in June. |
signing take
2.30 |
He said the signing could take place Monday. |
get take
1.25 |
Getting fuel took six days. |
testing take
1.18 |
DNA testing takes weeks. |
trading take
1.12 |
MATIF trading takes place in a pit. |
questioning take
0.99 |
The newspapers did not say when the questioning took place. |
do take
0.79 |
But to do that takes time. |
film take
0.79 |
Filming took two days. |
find take
0.72 |
Finding the place took three tries. |
win take
0.72 |
Winning takes money. |
filming take
0.66 |
The filming took just days. |
make take
0.66 |
To make a turn took edge. |
shelling take
0.66 |
He did not say when or where the shelling was taking place. |
go take
0.59 |
Mad as hell and not going to take it any more? |
planning take
0.59 |
The planning took three years. |
poll take
0.53 |
Polling will take place on a date to be announced. |