1.   But their impact was seen in many villages where the voting took place against a backdrop of political polarization and violence.

2.   Grammy voting takes place in two stages.

3.   Had the voting taken place after the NCAA title game, the award might have gone to Dixon.

4.   However, the fact the voting took place so soon took some by surprise.

5.   It was little changed today as the voting took place, traders said.

6.   It was also appealed by a winning candidate who argued that no new voting at all should take place.

7.   No voting is taking place this week in London, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

8.   Still uncertain as the treaty conference nears are the rules under which the voting will take place.

9.   That voting will take place next week.

10.   The session is presided over by the chairman of the Republican conference, Boehner, and the voting takes place by secret ballot.

v. + take >>共 653
fighting 9.80%
vote 5.15%
be 3.04%
fight 2.73%
voting 2.54%
signing 2.17%
get 1.18%
testing 1.12%
trading 1.05%
questioning 0.93%
voting + v. >>共 87
be 43.46%
take 8.25%
go 7.65%
begin 5.23%
end 4.02%
start 3.22%
appear 2.41%
come 1.21%
continue 1.21%
get 1.01%
每页显示:    共 41