31.   The research is especially vulnerable if the data are collected from personal interviews.

32.   The research is part of a wider programme involving staff and doctoral students at Imperial College Management School.

33.   The research is questionable because the sample used was very small.

34.   The research is to uncover and outline all the elements upon which multiple territorial entities could arise.

35.   The research itself was laboratory based, although directly relevant to academic obstetrics.

36.   Their research is concerned with providing an alternative perspective on our past.

37.   There are also large tracts where, it would appear, no University research has been undertaken.

38.   There has been research which suggests that moderately strong automatic stemming can be applied in specialized online reference retrieval searching.

39.   This critique should not be understood to imply that experimental referential communication research is wasted effort.

40.   This has moulded a dominant conception of what social research should be.

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research + v. >>共 425
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