1.   Empirical research indicates that young people perceive non-drinkers lacking in these qualities.

2.   However, recent research indicates that the slim person is not necessarily eating in a way to promote maximum health.

3.   Nevertheless, recent research indicates that the body is designed for at least one afternoon nap per day.

4.   Research has indicated that narcoleptics have a set of genes that are triggered by unknown factors to cause narcolepsy.

5.   Research indicates that the drug can be harmful to pregnant women.

6.   Pierce J. Howard, another expert, says new research indicates that physical exercise increases the amount of certain brain chemicals that stimulate growth of nerve cells.

7.   Research has indicated how radioactive contaminants may be being introduced into the human food chain via the migration of wildfowl through the Chernobyl region.

8.   In terms of government legislation, empirical research has indicated that a consensual model is indeed more applicable.

9.   BR research has indicated that passenger and revenue growth will be greatest by linking Teesside into the TransPennine network.

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research + v. >>共 425
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lead 2.27%
focus 1.67%
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help 1.57%
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