1.   His research shows originality and sustained effort.

2.   However, recent research has shown that this particular anecdote is unsubstantiated.

3.   It does not need research to show that no such sweeping condemnation can be passed upon the statute before us.

4.   Mental repetition has been shown by research on basketball players to be as effective as going through the actions.

5.   More recent research has shown that it is only some carbohydrate foods which cause this problem, not all of them.

6.   Nevertheless, research shows that men who batter are generally of normal mental health.

7.   Other research has shown that women with a confiding relationship are much less likely to become depressed.

8.   Previous research has shown that trust is a complex phenomenon and a variety of new measures are needed to capture its complexity.

9.   Recent research has shown that human language is much older than we previously thought.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
research + v. >>共 425
show 17.00%
be 15.95%
suggest 8.46%
indicate 4.14%
find 3.94%
lead 2.27%
focus 1.67%
have 1.57%
continue 1.57%
help 1.57%
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