31.   Clinton hopes a Barak-Arafat summit in the weeks ahead will nail down a framework agreement, or blueprint, outlining the issues remaining to be resolved.

32.   Everest is growing taller by about a quarter-inch per year, although the exact amount remains to be determined through future GPS measurements.

33.   Even the strongest supporters of standards-based programs are quick to acknowledge that the movement is still in an early phase with many questions remaining to be resolved.

34.   For the hybrids, other major questions remaining to be solved include how to yoke together electric and internal combustion systems.

35.   Garcia declined to say what issues remain to be resolved or how long it would take to reach a final agreement.

36.   Gingrich gave no details, but he said all that remained to be resolved were a tax issue and two spending issues.

37.   He said some minor issues of service and technology delivery remain to be resolved before a new contract is concluded.

38.   How often it will be held remains to be determined.

39.   How much the Rangers are slumping remains a matter for debate.

40.   In recent weeks, Giuliani has made several changes to his senior staff, though it remains to be seen what effect they will have on overall decisionmaking.

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