1.   But existing stores operating in prohibited areas have been allowed to remain open pending the outcome of the litigation.

2.   Drabinsky, who remains suspended pending an investigation ordered by the company, has denied the reports of irregularities.

3.   It is likely that the two Huichols will remain free pending the appeal.

4.   It remains vacant pending the resolution of the case, Richman said.

5.   The Bordeaux plant, also owned by the group TotalFinaElf, is to remain closed pending a review of its overall safety.

6.   The five major labels banded together to get Napster shut down in July, but it remains online pending an appeal.

7.   This was a context clue that the most charismatic and controlling figure in boxing will remain free pending a retrial.

8.   A Tel Aviv District Court rejected her appeal of the verdict Sunday but allowed her to remain free pending a Supreme Court appeal.

9.   Both Dumas and Deviers-Joncour will remain free pending the outcome of their appeals.

10.   Both men remain free pending their appeal.

v. + pend >>共 106
suspend 17.59%
release 16.37%
withhold 10.91%
hold 9.13%
be 5.35%
jail 4.90%
remain 3.56%
detain 3.34%
free 2.12%
stay 1.89%
remain + v. >>共 238
be 26.02%
see 7.75%
follow 4.34%
pend 4.20%
say 3.55%
compare 2.63%
give 1.45%
do 1.31%
protect 1.18%
guard 1.05%
每页显示:    共 32