1.   I would like to hope that these are teething troubles, but I remain to be convinced.

2.   Important as these problems are, there are additional important matters which remain to be resolved.

3.   It remains to be seen how quickly green consumerism, that most middle class of activities, can sort this out.

4.   The size, staff requirements and cost of the studies remain to be determined.

5.   Clearly, there are many issues surrounding the origin of mantle plumes and the fate of subducted sediment that remain to be resolved.

6.   The prognostic importance of the anti-neutrophil antibody in both PSC and ulcerative colitis remains to be determined, as does the nature of the proteinaceous antigen.

7.   It remains to be determined whether the presence of hiatal hernia, oesophagitis, or both, is a useful indicator of reflux induced or reflux exacerbated asthma.

8.   The optimum polymer concentration therefore that would yield the best compromise between total glucose availability and low osmolality remains to be determined.

9.   The safety and diagnostic accuracy of early amniocentesis remains to be determined.

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remain + v. >>共 238
be 26.02%
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