1.   This was alleged to be a very serious omission, and a great handicap to the efficacy of the scheme.

2.   A landlord brought an action against persons who were alleged to be squatters.

3.   The stop notice prohibits the continuation of development which is alleged to be in breach of planning control.

4.   Where the malice is alleged to be some improper motivation, the plaintiff will require strong evidence of impropriety in order to destroy the defence.

5.   Alleged to be the leader of Saudi Hezbollah, which was outlawed there, Nasser became very adept at finding ways to operate furtively from neighboring countries.

6.   Alleged to be a member of Hezbollah, Atwa was initially arrested in Athens after failing to get a seat on the hijacked plane.

7.   But it fails to identify any specific statement by the President that is alleged to be perjurious, false and misleading.

8.   But the most dramatic moment was when the suspects, who prosecutors allege were Libyan intelligence agents bent on vengeance against the United States, walked into the courtroom.

9.   Chow is alleged to be the right-hand man of reputed Wo Hop To leader Peter Chong, a San Francisco businessman.

10.   Cliburn was sued by a man alleging to be his former companion and sexual partner, claiming Cliburn had exposed him to the AIDS virus.

v. + be >>共 1325
say 9.58%
figure 6.26%
be 3.78%
use 3.36%
remain 2.65%
present 2.56%
think 1.76%
estimate 1.43%
allege 1.39%
do 1.19%
allege + v. >>共 43
be 57.14%
have 15.38%
belong 2.75%
carry 1.10%
contain 1.10%
finance 1.10%
operate 1.10%
sponsor 1.10%
commit 0.55%
cone 0.55%
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