21.   The Miami-based exile group has been blamed by the Cuban government for a series of recent hotel bombings in Cuba.

n. + bombing >>共 98
suicide 72.06%
embassy 6.97%
car 4.86%
bus 2.48%
apartment 1.06%
hotel 0.96%
terror 0.92%
weekend 0.64%
twin 0.60%
year 0.46%
hotel + n. >>共 691
room 28.59%
lobby 3.62%
chain 3.46%
suite 2.72%
manager 2.35%
guest 2.12%
industry 2.00%
owner 1.88%
employee 1.66%
company 1.63%
bombing 0.28%
每页显示:    共 21