suicide bombing 103.42   But the world is appalled by these suicide bombings.
  embassy bombing 10.01   Iran has condemned the embassy bombings.
  car bombing 6.98   Car bombings are rare in Mexico.
  bus bombing 3.55   The school lost four graduates in the bus bombings.
  apartment bombing 1.51   Russia also blamed a series of apartment bombings last September on Chechens.
  hotel bombing 1.38   Second man sentenced to death for hotel bombings.
  terror bombing 1.32   Serb sources suggested these were terror bombings by the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army.
  weekend bombing 0.92   He did not comment on the weekend bombings.
  twin bombing 0.86   The twin suicide bombings last week effectively wiped out that advantage.
  year bombing 0.66   Its stores have been the target of a number of small bombings this year.
  clinic bombing 0.59   Seven were hurt by the clinic bombings, five by the club bomb.
  railway bombing 0.59   His faction also claimed responsibility for two fatal railway bombings in southern Russia this year.
  truck bombing 0.59   Suicide truck bombings are a Tiger hallmark.
  apartment-house bombing 0.53   At the time of the apartment-house bombings he was prime minister.
  revenge bombing 0.53   More revenge bombings could now be expected, he added.
  guerrilla bombing 0.46   There was no immediate Israeli comment on the guerrilla roadside bombings and ambush.
  rebel bombing 0.46   Those raids followed rebel bombings of two oil depots in Colombo.
  week bombing 0.46   Those who were out said residents had been discussing the bombing all week.
  fire bombing 0.39   Kurdish militants have been blamed for a series of fire bombings against Turkish targets in Germany.
  letter bombing 0.33   Last year, there were several letter bombings in southern Vietnam.
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