1.   American prosecutors have identified bin Laden as the mastermind of the embassy bombings.

2.   Atef is thought to have disappeared into Afghanistan after the embassy bombings.

3.   Before the embassy bombings a federal grand jury in New York had handed up a sealed criminal indictment that charged bin Laden in connection with terrorist acts.

4.   Bin Laden has been indicted in the United States in connection with the embassy bombings and has been a suspect in the Cole attack.

5.   Bin Laden has been indicted in the terrorism conspiracy and has long been suspected by the authorities of masterminding the embassy bombings.

6.   Bin Laden, the rich Muslim who finances a string of terrorist training depots, is the man who supposedly masterminded the US embassy bombings in Africa.

7.   Bin Laden, a Saudi exile who lives in Afghanistan, has publicly announced his plans to attack Americans, and U.S. authorities believe he directed the embassy bombings.

8.   A few embassy bombings were not enough to show us what we had created.

9.   Activists here are planning a series of protests over the strikes which Clinton authorized in retaliation for the US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

10.   After the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, the Saudis suspended diplomatic relations with the Taliban and ostensibly ceased all aid.

n. + bombing >>共 98
suicide 72.06%
embassy 6.97%
car 4.86%
bus 2.48%
apartment 1.06%
hotel 0.96%
terror 0.92%
weekend 0.64%
twin 0.60%
year 0.46%
embassy + n. >>共 278
official 25.58%
spokesman 13.35%
staff 6.26%
compound 5.44%
building 4.05%
bombing 4.05%
employee 3.25%
spokeswoman 2.26%
statement 1.97%
residence 1.95%
每页显示:    共 151