1.   After a string of terror bombings in Israel, Arafat used the forces to crack down on fundamentalist opponents, foremost among them Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement.

2.   After the terror bombings when Yitzhak Rabin was prime minister, he pushed for a separation, although associates say he never thought it was realistic.

3.   Despite snags and setbacks and terror bombings, many came to believe that peace was materializing.

4.   Her trip to the museum fit in well on a day when she was stressing that the United States is a partner with Israel in fighting anti-Israeli terror bombings.

5.   In the last month, however, he has been accused by Israeli military officers of tolerating and perhaps fomenting terror bombings and armed attacks against Israeli targets.

6.   Israel is on high alert under threats of terror bombings from Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups.

7.   Israeli officials said Besharat was involved in terror bombings in the Israeli cities of Hadera and Netanya.

8.   Most Palestinians in the territories are barred from entering from Jerusalem because of security restrictions established six months ago after a wave of terror bombings.

9.   Re-energized by terror bombings and retaliatory air strikes, the violence entered its seventh month with no end in sight.

10.   This partial withdrawal, originally scheduled for last March, was delayed by the terror bombings in Israel last winter, then by the Israeli election in May.

n. + bombing >>共 98
suicide 72.06%
embassy 6.97%
car 4.86%
bus 2.48%
apartment 1.06%
hotel 0.96%
terror 0.92%
weekend 0.64%
twin 0.60%
year 0.46%
terror + n. >>共 132
attack 49.58%
group 8.65%
suspect 6.59%
campaign 5.92%
network 5.08%
organization 1.64%
mastermind 1.64%
cell 1.55%
plot 1.39%
threat 1.22%
bombing 0.84%
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