11.   But Human Rights in China quoted the expert, Nigel Rodley, as saying that almost three years of negotiations with China have yet to produce a visit.

12.   But the magazine quoted rail experts as saying that over time, the added vibrations can create stress on the wheel and cause it to break.

13.   Experts were quoted as saying Russia had to either destroy or give away the weaponry under the treaty on the reduction of conventional arms in Europe.

14.   Four days of heavy rain last week dislodged rocks that fell down from the top of the mountain, probably triggering the slides, Xinhua quoted experts as saying.

15.   Fri Aktuelt quoted neo-Nazi experts as saying Carling was a neo-Nazi.

16.   He accused journalists of quoting anonymous experts who misrepresented Islamic financial institutions.

17.   However El Pais quoted unidentified art experts as saying it may take up to two years to determine if the dust caused lasting damage to any paintings.

18.   Interfax quoted experts as saying it was probably caused by a defect in the booster rocket.

19.   ITAR-Tass quoted experts from the Russian Navy as saying the first stage of the booster could have failed, causing the missile to go out of control.

20.   It quoted experts as saying that the animals were thought to be either tigers or leopards.

v. + expert >>共 362
say 17.24%
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send 4.13%
quote 3.81%
consult 2.87%
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call 2.04%
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hire 1.67%
quote + n. >>共 566
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official 15.26%
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witness 5.30%
spokesman 2.79%
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