1.   Cancer experts are deeply divided amongst themselves about the percentage of cancers that can be attributed to environmental factors.

2.   Experts are sharply divided on the issue.

3.   Mr Everitt says the answer is longer sentences, but experts are divided on whether institutionalising young offenders is the best solution...

4.   Later, experts were divided over whether two horrific attacks in just five days meant more could be expected.

5.   American experts were divided on the report.

6.   And experts are divided on what to call the youngest generation.

7.   And many legal, software and consumer experts are divided whether a breakup would encourage real competition.

8.   Arcane technical discussions over how to measure the cost of living continue to divide the experts.

9.   But AIDS experts are divided over whether drug manufacture in developing countries is really the best way to ease the crisis.

v. + expert >>共 362
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have 2.35%
call 2.04%
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hire 1.67%
divide + n. >>共 1107
country 5.25%
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analyst 2.25%
opinion 1.97%
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