quote source 66.69   Al Hayat quoted Jordanian sources.
  quote official 47.60   Officials were quoted.
  quote police 17.05   Some swam to saftey, the agency quoted police as saying.
  quote witness 16.52   It quoted witnesses as saying the truck had been speeding.
  quote spokesman 8.69   It quoted judiciary spokesman Fotovat Nasiri-Savadkouhi.
  quote report 5.40   MENA was quoting a report from the agriculture ministry.
  quote expert 4.81   Medical experts have been quoted as attributing to his weight.
  quote price 4.41   He declines to quote prices.
  quote doctor 3.69   A doctor was quoted as saying the bones were human remains.
  quote authority 3.09   Weyrich also quotes an authority that would not normally be compelling.
  quote eyewitness 3.03   It quoted another eyewitness on the flight.
  quote diplomat 2.96   It quoted diplomats involved in the talks.
  quote president 2.76   Fleischer quoted the president as saying.
  quote statement 2.63   The statement is quoted in the Advocate.
  quote investigator 2.44   The daily also quoted Palestinian investigators.
  quote leader 2.44   It then goes on to quote company leaders who appear to support that assertion.
  quote member 2.30   The magazine quoted a member of the supervisory board.
  quote aide 2.24   Aides are quoted as saying she is in good health.
  quote resident 2.24   The agency quoted residents as saying the camp had been abandoned for some time.
  quote prosecutor 2.04   Anatolia quoted the prosecutor as saying he would seek the death penalty.
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