1.   Taxi travel can be safe anywhere in the world as long as visitors understand the rules, says travel expert Stacey Ravel Abarbanel.

2.   Poor people must also have access to high technology, says another expert.

3.   Experts said that if the bombs had penetrated any part of the cigar-shaped cylinders they would have gone off like a rocket, smashing into nearby homes.

4.   THE United Nations yesterday announced a surprise weapons inspection visit to Iraq, and said experts would fly in at dawn today.

5.   An easy target for simplification, experts said, is capital gains taxes.

6.   An ongoing barrage of high-profile lawsuits, and changes in civil rights laws, say experts.

7.   And because inspectors are assigned far more work than they can do, they sometimes cut corners by falsifying their paperwork, experts said.

8.   And another indication that this area may have the most potential, say American experts, is research elsewhere.

9.   And that, several academic experts said, is leading to friction.

10.   And it may get worse, experts said.

v. + expert >>共 362
say 17.24%
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divide 4.86%
send 4.13%
quote 3.81%
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have 2.35%
call 2.04%
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say + n. >>共 862
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spokesman 3.72%
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report 2.47%
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trader 1.74%
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