11.   Latex proteins can bind to the powder used to mold the balloons and spread in the air when a balloon is inflated or bursts.

n. + bind >>共 392
decision 5.73%
agreement 4.11%
law 4.00%
ruling 2.59%
rule 2.49%
treaty 2.38%
contract 2.16%
resolution 1.95%
vote 1.95%
flight 1.30%
protein 1.19%
protein + v. >>共 177
be 23.35%
cause 4.34%
have 3.72%
work 2.69%
bind 2.27%
do 2.27%
call 1.86%
become 1.65%
play 1.65%
form 1.65%
每页显示:    共 11